The Granite Gear Buffalo Backpack is a campus backpack for lugging your books to class. Or even to a certain city in New York. The compartment running against the backpanel is electronic oriented, padded for up to 17 inch laptops. The middle main compartment is ready for piling in the books, while the third zipper from the back can handle lunch or an extra layer. Maybe both. The front two zippers organize the small stuff so they don't disappear to the depths of the main sections. Constructed from burly Repealaweave fabric and a Taurpalite bottom, providing your stuff with weather protection. The padded backpanel and shoulder straps will cushion the load while a sternum strap and hide away hipbelt stabilize the load as you go from one end of campus to the other. I'll leave you with this: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Features of the Granite Gear Buffalo Backpack Repelaweave fabric with taurpalite bottom for maximum protection against elements Ergonomic maxload multi compartment design Barrier zipper tricot lined pocket for valuables Breathable load absorbing shoulder harness Load stabilizing sternum strap Hide away load stabilizing waist belt Ergonomic raised foam back with lumbar support Adjustable compression straps Dedicated gear Tech computer pocket Fits most 17in. laptops Dual stretch mesh hydration pockets Multi pocket organizer